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    Entries in #banksyny (41)


    Banksy 'Ronald McDonald' Found In New York City

    Banksy is now taking aim at the multi-nationals, this Ronald McDonald piece is going to be quite active for the rest of the month.

    "A fibreglass replica of Ronald McDonald having his shoes shined by a real live boy. The sculpture will visit the sidewalk outside a different McDonalds every lunchtime for the next week. Today (Oct 16th) - South Bronx"

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    Banksy 'World Trade Center' Graffiti Found In New York City

    Banksy kept it simple but made a very stronger statement today, he hit up a simple one colour stencil small piece in Tribeca. This piece is a memorial piece for the World Trade Center tragedy. I love the flower, although it represents the plane exploding in to the building it some how transforms this piece into a beautiful 9/11 tribute. Props Banksy!!

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    **getting some union love

    **this was found elsewhere in Brooklyn Heights and this appears to be unfinished, did Banksy almost get caught?

    **update # 2

    **update # 2


    Banksy 'What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity' Graffiti Found In Queens

    Banksy kept it simple today, he hit up a nice clean wall in Queens with the saying 'What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity'. Sadly this will not last but it is classic Banksy style.

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    "Some people criticize me for using sources that are a bit low brow (this quote is from 'Gladiator') but you know what? "I'm just going to use that hostility to make me stronger, not weaker" as Kelly Rowland said on the X-Factor."

    **here's a great wide shot



    Banksy 'Concrete Confessional' Follow Up Buffed Before It Could Be Revealed

    Banksy has done something he rarely if ever does... He went back to his piece and added to it. An Alter Boy tied up with his mouth taped over is yet another powerful element to corroborate the Priest graf piece from yesterday. The only problem is, some yahoo covered it before Banksy could even reveal it. Above is a wide shot, below is a close up and on the bottom is what we all woke up to.

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    **update - It appears to be a protest piece about Jamshed Bharucha and Cooper Union charging tuition for the first time EVER. Nice job getting hype riding Banksy's coat tails guys.


    Banksy 'Concrete Confessional' Graffiti Found In New York City


    Again Banksy has taken his game up a notch, this piece called 'Concrete Confessional' was discovered this morning in Manhattan.

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    **update # 1

    An extremely poor attempt at a beard :(


    Banksy 'Sirens Of The Lambs' Truck Found In Meatpacking District In New York City

    We saw this yesterday all over Instagram and Twitter, low and behold Banksy has taken his game to the next level. I love the fact that this was discovered around the Meatpacking District.

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    The Teddy Bear waving good bye is priceless


    This is funny as hell, Banksy is one step ahead of you too.

    **Please note: If you're the person who stuck a tracking device on the

    garden truck you're now following a car service in Queens.


    Farm Fresh Meats Genius!! Is This Banksy's Next Piece?...


    Banksy 'Beaver' Graffiti Found In New York City

    This Banksy Beaver was found at Pitkin and Bradford St in Brooklyn. There appears to be NO audio which is a shame, I was hoping for a Canadian accent on this beaver, eh?

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    These guys need to be on Dragon's Den


    Banksy 'Wild Horses' Installation Found In New York City

    This was found at 157 Ludlow St on The Lower East Side right beside . This piece is called 'Wild Horses' and it is a pretty adventurous/impressive installation paralleling Picasso's Guernica and considering half of New York is looking for him it is spectacular. The audio is pretty intense (phone number can be found on oil barrel). Again Banksy's ever so subversive message is none other than this Wiki-Leaks 'Collateral Murder' video showing the death of 8 innocent Iraqis dying needlessly because they were photographers. "They shouldn't have brought their kids to a battle" is how the video ends - That is some sick cold hearted shit right there!!

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    Banksy 'Mobile Garden' Graffiti Truck Found In New York City

    Banksy's Mobile Garden was just found on just off of Broadway on 126th

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