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    The Best Art And Best Artists Out There!

    Entries in chuck sperry (19)


    Chuck Sperry 'Sisters' SNEAK PEEK


    **Chuck will be releasing these online within the next couple of weeks, sign up to his mailing list.


    Chuck Sperry 'WSP' Oakland Print Release Details


    Artist: Chuck Sperry
    Title: Widespread Panic (Oakland March 2014)
    Medium: 8 Colour Screen Print
    Size: 34 x 22 Inches
    Edition: 625
    Price: $60? each

    Check it out HERE

    **available at a random time on Sunday April 6th


    Chuck Sperry 'The Key To Everything' Print Release Details


    Here are some STUNNING variants of 'The Key To Everything' print by artist Chuck Sperry. This image was originally seen in the Scorcese inspired art show recently. These are all 7 colour 19 x 35 inch screen prints. The Wave Foil variant is above. Bronze, Silver and Gold (in order) are below. These will go up at a random time on Wednesday May 8th.

    Man, that Wave Foil looks sharp!!

    Check it out HERE


    Chuck Sperry 'Soundgarden' Oakland Print Release Details

    I am not really into gig posters (or movie posters) but this is poster is BEAUTIFUL!! This is Soundgarden's gig poster by artist Chuck Sperry for their show back on the 12th of February in Oakland at the Fox Theatre. This is a 6 colour (metalics) 20 x 33 inch screenprint with an edition size of 250, comes signed and numbered by the artist for $$$. These will be available for sale at a random time on Sunday February 17th. There will also be a few special variants available too.

     Check it out HERE


    Chuck Sperry 'Synesthesia' Novos Art Prints Release Details

    This is called 'Synesthesia', yet another INCREDIBLE art print by artist Chuck Sperry. These are 8 colour 22 x 33 inch screen prints that come signed and numbered by the artist. These will be available at a random time on Thursday July 26th. Regular edition (above) has an edition size of 100. Bronze, Silver, and Gold (below) have edition sizes of only 15.

    Be quick. Love those nipples ;)

    Check it out HERE

    "Late last year, Jonathan Brebner, told me he was making a science fiction movie called “Novos.”  He explained the plot thus; thousands of years after a desperate exodus from a dying world, a band of the last remaining humans return to Earth and come into conflict with the artificial life they left behind. He asked me to make an art print to celebrate his upcoming film, and also to help raise production funding. I was intrigued with his vision of biomorphic robots and technology so advanced that it was somehow fused with nature. So here I’m bringing my “take” on Brebner’s futuristic vision, a biomorphic robot with sense-enhansing hear-gear."



    Chuck Sperry 'Cosmos' + 'Chaos' Prints Release TODAY


    Today is the day I have been waiting for. At a random time artist Chuck Sperry will be releasing all his versions of 'Cosmos' and 'Chaos'. They will be priced between $150-$250 I hear.

    Check it out HERE


    Chris Shaw + Chuck Sperry 'Temporarily Bound' Installation


    If you are in San Fran, I recommend you check this out.

    June 2011 to January 2012

    SFMOMA Window Gallery

    Natoma Street, SF
    Acrylic on 3 sec­tions of 6 artic­u­lated hard-panels.
    Each sec­tion mea­sures 6’8″ x 12′ installed. (6’8″ h x 18′ flat.)

    "Chris Shaw and Chuck Sperry have been close friends for many years, but have only worked in tan­dem cre­at­ing art on a hand­ful of occa­sions. Both artists have both incor­po­rated and appro­pri­ated con­cepts and imagery from a myr­iad of sources in their designs for Rock Posters and paintings. “Tem­po­rally Bound” marks this col­lab­o­ra­tion by the two artists not only as an event, but also in the form and sub­ject of the art­work. The work’s form is derived from an asian “accor­dion” book, while the sub­ject, “Three Gor­gons” reflects the artists’ west­ern influ­ences. The free inter­twin­ing of East­ern and West­ern ref­er­ences is not only evoca­tive of the mod­ern tech­no­log­i­cal world, but also of San Fran­cisco, a cul­tural melt­ing pot on the Pacific Rim. The instal­la­tion is com­posed of 3 sec­tions of 6 artic­u­lated hard pan­els, painted in acrylic and hand-made paints. The artic­u­lated form allows the art­work to bend or com­press, the which lets the art­work take almost any form, in 2 or 3 dimen­sional space. Sperry and Shaw’s design con­cept for the Natoma Street win­dows of the SFMOMA Window Gallery called for an 18 foot wide hor­i­zon­tal image to com­press into a 12 foot wide area. The artists chose wooden hard-panels for the instal­la­tion sub­strate which cre­ates a sturdy self-supporting struc­ture with 52º angles, a golden pro­por­tion har­mo­nious to the instal­la­tion space. In their expe­ri­ences in cre­at­ing Rock Posters, Shaw and Sperry had both worked pre­vi­ously with multi-panel poster images. When com­pos­ing the “Three Gor­gons” the artists paid spe­cial atten­tion to the way the images would frag­ment when the pan­els were in their com­pressed and folded state. Because many of the view­ers pass­ing the instal­la­tion on the side­walk would be approach­ing at very oblique angles, the artists cre­ated semi-symmetrical images that would appear to change and unfold as the viewer passed by. View­ing the art at oblique angles and close prox­im­ity cre­ates a dis­tinct sense of “false abstrac­tion”, while view­ing the pieces from afar (the oppo­site side­walk) gives the viewer cohe­sive, rep­re­sen­ta­tional images of the Three Gorgons. The 3 Gor­gon images were cre­ated to work indi­vid­u­ally or together as a unit. In tan­dem, the artists each cre­ated their own dis­tinct ver­sions of a Gor­gon (Shaw,left / Sperry, right). While each artist cre­ated their com­po­si­tions and selected color indi­vid­u­ally, cer­tain deci­sions were made together to help enhance the over­all art­work when viewed in a unit. Red and Gold were both cho­sen as main color com­po­nents, which again ref­er­ences East­ern art. The over­all bold col­ors and hard graphic black­line of the Gor­gons addi­tion­ally reflects the artists work as poster artists and print­mak­ers. Sperry and Shaw then worked together to cre­ate the 3rd, cen­ter Gor­gon, a “hybrid” of their styles that would fur­ther bridge and inte­grate their indi­vid­u­ally cre­ated Gor­gon panels."

    Check it out HERE


    Chuck Sperry 'Deftones' Print Release Details


    Not crazy about skulls, but this is beatuiful. It goes up in less than 10 minutes, hurry over NOW!

    Check it out HERE


    Chuck Sperry 'Saint Everyone' SFMOCA Painting Process Video

    Check it out HERE


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