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    The Best Art And Best Artists Out There!

    Entries in obey (340)


    Obey 'They Live' SNEAK PEEK + Release Details


    Here is a SNEAK PEEK at the upcoming 'They Live' movie poster by artist Shepard Fairey of Obey. This is part of the Mondo movie series. These will be available at Mondo Tees at a random time on Friday June 9th.


    Obey 'Last Mountain' Print Release Details


    Here is another beautiful horizontal composition called 'Last Mountain' by artist Shepard Fairey of Obey. This is a 24 x 18 inch screen print with an edition size of 450, comes signed and numberd by the artist for $55 each. These will be available at a random time on Tuesday June 7th.

    Check it out HERE

    "The Last Mountain"

    The big fossil energy corporations keep telling us we have no choice and simply must keep destroying communities (with mountaintop coal mining), spewing pollution and causing 10’s-of-1000’s of illnesses and deaths in the US (with mercury, arsenic, ozone, etc., etc.) and endangering the planet with CO2 — and all just to boil some water to make electricity. But it’s a lie… Even in the heart of coal country in WV, they have a vision and want to see a wind-farm on their ridges, rather than dismantling the mountains for coal.

    There’s a great new film, The Last Mountainwhich tells this amazing story. The film opens tomorrow, June 3rd in NY and DC. Check here for release dates in your area.

    The film features Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and many incredible activists who are fighting Big Coal and proving that it will take a lot of heart to move the country forward. But we know it can be done — Germany just proved that today. But with the fossil fuel industry twisting democracy to their advantage, it’s going to take some action on our part!

    For more info on the film, visit or

    Theater bookers say people are tired of environmental films, let’s prove them wrong!


    Obey 'Its Mourning In America' Print Release TODAY


    Here is the next print in the series from artist Shepard Fairey of Obey. This is called 'Its Mourning In America'. This is an 18 x 24 inch screen print on off white paper with an edition size of 450, comes signed and numbered by the artist for $55 each. This will be available at a random time on Tuesday May 31st.

    Check it out HERE


    Obey 'Legislative Influence For Sale' Release TODAY


    These Obey drops usually happen between noon and 2pm EST. Below is the original photo that was used as inspiration.

    Check it out HERE


    Obey 'Legislative Influence For Sale' Print Release Details


    Here is the next print called 'Legislative Influence For Sale' by Obey artist Shepard Fairey. This is an 18 x 24 inch screen print not on the shitty speckletone paper with an edition size of 450, comes signed and numbered by the artist for $55 each. This is the first in a series of prints that will honour the 'Reaganomics Years'. This will be available at a random time on Tuesday May 24th.

    Check it out HERE


    Obey Collab 'Darryl Jenifer' Print Available


    Here is a nice print photographer collab print of Bad Brains bassist Darryl Jenifer by artists Atiba Jefferson and Shepard Fairey of Obey. This is a 15 x 23 inch screen print on 70lb paper with an edition size of 175, comes signed and numbered by the artist for $100.

    Check it out HERE


    Awesome Obey Screenprints Wallpaper/Screensaver


    Check it out HERE



    Obey 'Revolutions' Murals In Chicago


    Here is some sweet mural work by artist Shepard Fairey of Obey. These are BIG and beautiful amd part of the Chicago Art Fair. You can find this at Grand and Lakeshore near Navy Pier in the under pass.

    Check it out HERE


    This Sounds Promising...


    There will be a print release too :)

    Check it out HERE


    Shepard Fairey 'Street Art 101' Video

    Check it out HERE