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    The Best Art And Best Artists Out There!

    Entries in shepard fairey (298)


    Obey 'William S Borroughs' Print Release Details


    Artist: Obey + Kate Simon
    Title: William S Borroughs
    Medium: 3 Colour Screen Print
    Size: 18 x 24 Inches
    Edition: 450
    Price: $65

    Check it out HERE

    **available at a random time on Thursday February 6th

    **source photo


    Obey 'Sonic Firestorm' XL Print SNEAK PEEK


    To be released soon...


    Obey 'Green Power' Print Release Details


    Artist: Obey/Shepard Fairey
    Title: Green Power
    Medium: 2 Colour Screen Print
    Size: 18 x 24 Inches
    Edition: 450
    Price: $45 each

    Check it out HERE

    **available between 1-2pm EST on Tuesday Januray 28th


    Obey 'Slice It Up' Print Release Details


    Artist: Shepard Fairey
    Title: Slice It Up
    Medium: 2 Colour Screen Print
    Size: 18 x 24 Inches
    Edition: 100 
    Price: $40

    Check it out HERE

    **available at a random time between 1-3pm EST Thursday January 9th


    Dennis Morris & Shepard Fairey 'SID: Superman Is Dead' Art Show Details

    The Sex Pistols changed my life when I discovered them in 1984. Their music alone made my arm hairs stand up, but their image and attitude were just as important and powerful. The member of the Sex Pistols  who I was drawn to and most epitomized the punk image for me was Sid Vicious, with his spiked hair, leather jacket, lock necklace, and reckless behavior. At 14 I was mesmerized by Sid and made my first home-made t-shirt of him snarling his lip defiantly. I was rebelling, looking for any way to irritate my parents and, before I knew better, Sid was my Superman. Sid self-destructed young and with punk’s slogans like “No Future” and “Live Fast, Die Young,” Sid was everything the Superman, anti-hero, or cliché, of a nihilistic movement called for. Sid didn’t really do much to shape punk music…he only actually played on two songs on Never Mind the Bollocks Here’s The Sex Pistols. However, Sid’s surly vocals kick ass on C’mon Everybody, Somethin’  Else, and My Way. Sid remains one of punk’s most enduring icons even if he is a classic example of style over substance. I was a sucker for Sid’s image as a teenager, and I still am, even though I see him as less “cool” and more tragic and cautionary these days. I have made many images of Sid over the years, and I thought I had retired him as a subject until Dennis Morris-the photographer of the most intimate and iconic shots of Sid-approached me about a collaboration. Dennis’s archive provided an amazing treasure trove of Sid images to work from in creating the paintings and prints in the “Superman Is Dead” show. I’m so glad I got to do Dennis’s Sid images “My Way”! I can now retire Sid as a subject. I’ve worked with the best, I can skip the rest.
    - Shepard Fairey

    Check it out HERE


    Obey 'Imperial Glory' + 'Power' Offsets Available



    Artist: Shepard Fairey / Obey
    Title: Imperial Glory + Power
    Medium: Lithograph Print
    Size: 24 x 36 Inches
    Edition: Open
    Price: $35 each

    Check it out HERE


    Obey 'Lotus Target Black' SNEAK PEEK

    I love the intensity of the colours 'Lotus Target' Black, very bold.

    Hey Shep, any chance this could become an upcoming release?


    Shepard Fairey Talking Shit On TMZ

    Check it out HERE


    Obey x Kai & Sunny 'Untitled' Silver Print SNEAK PEEK

    Artist: Obey x Kai & Sunny
    Title: Untitled (SILVER)
    Medium: 2 Colour Screen Print
    Size: 56 x 76 cm
    Edition: 200
    Price: $125

    Check it out HERE

    **available in person at Subliminal on Saturday Sept 7th


    Obey 'Not Great Men' Print Available

    Artist: Obey
    Title: Not Great Men
    Medium: 3 Colour Screen Print
    Size: 18 x 24 Inches
    Edition: 450
    Price: $40

    Check it out HERE