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« Obey 'Keith Haring' Print? SNEAK PEAK | Main | Angry Woebots 'Panda King' Resin Release Details »

Evanimal 'Rhinos Queen' Print + 'Off The Hook III' Show SNEAK PEAK


Here is artist Evanimal' submission to the upcoming Phone Booth Gallery group show called 'Off the Hook III', the third annual open-themed group exhibition featuring many of Phone Booth Gallery’s principal artists. The reception will be held at the atmospheric Fix in Echo Park, on April 3, and continues through April 30, 2010 from 7-10pm. Fix is located at 2100 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles

An open-themed exhibition featuring over 40 artworks by more than 20 diverse artists, “Off the Hook III” channels the inventive, renegade, and reflective energy that makes Phone Booth Gallery distinct. Smartly crafted and inquisitive, the work in the exhibition ranges from pen and ink to painting and collage, but a unifying, voracious interest in the iconic potential of images is what ties the exhibition together.
Vincent Pacheco’s cleverly straight-faced “Cigs” diptych captures a nostalgia that has become toxic now that smoking’s image has changed from sophisticated to deadly. Handiedan also plays into nostalgia, exploring the tangled relationship between bodies and their histories, and turning the pin-up into a layered cacophony of limbs, faces, and torsos. Strangely aggressive, Bryan Schnelle’s collage work disrupts the sleekness of mainstream fashion, cutting into found images transforming them so that they become almost predatory.
New to Phone Booth Gallery, Joe King and Yevgeniya Mikhailik both take a more tangible, narrative approach to image-making. Mikhailik’s miniature watercolor, “House Fire,” is cinematically ominous, while King’s iconoclastic pen and ink drawings shatter pantheons of American history and blur the line between patriotism and anarchy. Softer and more lyrical, the pencil and oil pastel body-scapes of Rodrigo Enrique Luff, also new to Phone Booth Gallery, occupy a surreal, uninhibited space between fantasy and reality, suggesting that theatricality and romance can still be potent into today’s heavily mediated culture.
The uninhibited, geometrically forceful work of Robert Pokorny and the sassy, capricious serigraphs of Harry Diaz give the show its levity, and suggest that art is still the terrain of those with a sense of humor and a need to challenge the way culture looks.

Phone Booth Gallery is proud to showcase the diverse work of:

Adam Isaac
Jackson Aurora Armijo
Bryan Schnelle
David L. Owen
Garry Booth
Harry Diaz
Iain Macarthur
Joe King
Joel Zuercher
Kareem Rizk
Kevin Bannister
Matt Hendon
Michael Slack
Mike Knife
Nancy Chiu
Rick Reese
Robert Pokorny
Rodrigo Enrique Luff
Ryan Milner
Vincent Pacheco
Yevgeniya Mikhailik

Check it out HERE

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