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    Banksy The Genius Shines Again!!!


    I love it!! Banksy's genius shines through again having chosen the perfect place (years ago) for one of his murals. In Stokes Croft that last few days there have been some quite violent clashes with the local neighbourhood folks NOT backing down from the Police. There is a heavy amount of dissention aimed at the idea of a Tesco Express invading their neighbourhood. The photos below illustrate some of the heavier moments. As you can see in the photo second from the bottom that the crowd eventually reached their goal... Is that also a Snow White I see to the left in the photo below? Hmmm, how did that? Looks Dolk(ish)


    ...and trashed the Tesco. Lesson learned? Time will tell.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I would guess the Snow White to be Fake.

    Sunday, April 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

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