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    The Best Art And Best Artists Out There!

    Entries in 2010 (18)


    Alexandros Vasmoulikas + Paris Koutsikos 'Perfect' Mural At Berlin Art Fair


    Here is an awesome mural collab between one of my fave artists Alexandros Vasmoulikas and Paris Koutsikos. This mural is acrylic and paper and was done as part of the Berlin Art Fair in October


    Studiocromie Releases Bastardilla 'Calavera' Print


    Here is a beautiful print called 'Calavera' by artist Bastardilla. This is a 3 colour 68 x 53cm screenprint with an edition size of 30, comes signed and numbered by the artist for €180 each. This is being released through Studiocromie in Italy.

    Check it out HERE


    Os Gemeos 'Viva La Revolucion' $1 Print Available


    Here is a rare print called 'Viva La Revolucion' from Brasilian artists Os Gemeos. These cats rarely release anything available in quantity. This is an 18 x 24 inch offset poster with an open edition size for ONLY $1 each. Heads up, this is available through Iconoclast.

    Check it out HERE


    Nick Walker Hits Up London For Pope's Visit




    I love the fact that the U.K. contingency is taking digs at the Pope during his visit to to London. This beauty is by artist Nick Walker.


    KidRobot 2010 'Dunny' Series 10 Photo


    I don't recognize any of these Dunny's? WTF? Word is that there is a Dunny out there which is an uber rare Super Golden Ticket worth mad $$$$


    Screens N Spokes 2010 SNEAK PEAK Part 4

    As promised, included within the confines of this post are previews of the final 5 2010 Screens 'N' Spokes prints. If I will allow myself to pat myself on the back for a second, this year's show may be our most diverse yet, and the final previews today really bring home that fact.

    I know you're all anxious, so I'll just get right to the art.

    1. Bobby Dixon has been collaborating for the past two years, but this is the first year you'll see his printed art. Last year we invited him to design our Screens 'N' Spokes Bike Team jerseys. He did an awesome job and we got a ton of compliments out on the road. We knew we needed him to design our jerseys again, but he wanted to raise the stakes and design a print of the show as well. The result is a bold composition that commemorates old-school cycling.

    2. I mentioned diversity in styles earlier, and that was one of the reasons I was so excited to have Mat Daly participate last year. Mat is back again this year, and probably represents the most abstract artist in the series. Despite the abstract printing style though, Mat's work sends up lush landscapes that feel like something out of a memory.

    3. Diana Sudyka is back for the first time since 2008. Bicycles have always played a major role in the daily life of Diana and her husband (and, oh yea, fellow S'N'S contributor Jay Ryan). This year Diana shares the tale of her beloved Banana Bike. I've also included a detail shot of the print, so you can see how the story was incorporated.

    4. The Half and Half's second print in this year's show brings a completely different style. Nick, Sara and Thomas have experimented with designing in CMYK in the past (see S'N'S 2008), and this year they utilize the process for ghostly effects.

    5. The final print, and I think one that a lot of people have been waiting for, is the collaboration between Jay Ryan and Dan McCarthy. When I first introduced the idea of collaborative prints I wasn't exactly sure what I had in mind. I wanted to let artists find partnerships that would really motivate them to create great work. When Jay suggested working with Dan, I was immediately thrilled. I had wanted to get Dan involved since the very beginning, having been a huge fan of his iconic print of the month club. Still, I wasn't sure exactly how their wildly different styles would blend together. But they definitely achieved it. Those McCarthy trees really set the scene, while Jay's night riders bring a story to life.

    And that closes out the 2010 Print Series. Well, in preview form only. If you've purchased our prints before you know they really come to life when you see them in person. So I encourage anyone who can to come to ourOpening, this Saturday, 6:30 at Mugshots Coffee (21st and Fairmount) in Philadelphia.

    For those of you who cannot join us, fear not. All 2010 Screens 'N' Spokes prints will be available starting Monday, September 13. We'll send out a price list and any and all ordering directions on Friday.

    Check it out HERE



    Damarak Destroy 'Dunny Duo Pack' Available


    Here is a GREAT combo pack of Dunny art by artist Damarak Destroyer. This set includes the general release Dunny, the chase Dunny, a printed card and a hand cut stencil all for $150.

    Check it out HERE


    Jay Ryan 'Desaturate' B/W Set Available


    Here is a very diiferent release from artist Jay Ryan, these are called 'Desaturate 1010'. All 5 of these prints are 1 colour 18 x 24 inch screenprints on french speckletone paper with an edition size of 100, comes and they are sold as a set for $70 each.

    Check it out HERE




    Emek 'Wakarusa' Print Release Details


    Here is the next print from artist Emek for the Wakarusa Festival in Arkansas from June 3rd-6th. This is a 11 colour 21 x 30 inch screenprint, comes signed and numbered by the artist for $85 each. This will be available at 3pm on Friday July 30th.

    Check it out HERE


    KidRobot SDCC Comic-Con Booth & Signing Details