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The Best Art And Best Artists Out There!

Entries in gig posters (4)


Todd Slater 'The Rock Poster Art Of...' Book Available

Artist: Todd Slater
Title: The Rock Poster Art Of...Todd Slater
Medium: 288 Page Hardcover Book
Size: 267 x 333mm
Edition: 500
Price: £40

Check it out HERE


BirdMachine 'Mystery Tubes' Available Today at 1pm EST


Check it out HERE

**available at 1pm EST on Monday February 10th


Mike Klay 'Mystery Tube May' Sale


Here it is, artist Mike Klay at Powerslide Design is having a Mystery Tube May sale. Each tube will have 5 prints of which 2 or 3 will be art prints for $60 each tube. Each print is a hand pulled screenprint by artist Mike Klay.

Check it out HERE



Justin Santora 'Monoprint # 9' Print Released


Justin Santora "I never get tired of test prints. They're just too much fun. Here's number # 9, complete with elements from various recent gigposters and art prints, as well as my current business card image. This is 18 x 24 inches, hand printed on an off white/ivory cover stock comes signed by the artist for $75. Just for fun, I will include an original sketch, drawing, or poster(s) with this print.

Check it out HERE