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Just got word last night that artist Mr Brainwash has an upcoming 25,000 sq ft show called 'Under Construction' in Miami opening tomorrow December 2nd, 2010. More info will follow as it becomes available to me. This is more than likely being done inconjunction with Miami Art Basel or to capitalize on all the art buyers being in town and hijacking the Basel show with this circus like art show he will for sure bring.
Artists Jeff Canham and Luke Bartels have been working on a group of bird houses for their upcoming show 'For the Birds' at The Curiosity Shoppe which opens on Friday April 9th. Jeff and Luke share with us step by step the process of building the birdhouses.
An establishing shot of my studio where the birdhousing is going down.
A corner of Luke Bartels' woodshop where the two of us do most of the building and assembling. Rather that's where Luke does most of the building and assembling and I make witty comments while he's working.
Some of the elements (rooftops, vents, etc.) that will go on the finished birdhouses. You can see a couple of the blank boxes at the end of the shelf.
Bad cell phone photo of the painted blanks.
Bail Bonds work in progress.
Security cameras. Luke's a genius. Not only did he whip out all these great little cameras, he also built this stand so they could dry after they're painted. You are being watched!
More work in progress. It's kind of exciting seeing them lined up like this and looking like a neighborhood.
Madame Cuckoo, Psychic. Painting these tiny letters is kind of a pain in the ass, but it's all worth it when you see the smiles on the bird's faces.
Luke and I are both especially proud of the empty beer bottle on top of the recycling bin (lower right).
Billboard."Sale!" was added and then it was installed on the side of the Bail Bonds place.
Luke during a birdhouse photo shoot. He kept saying "More emotion!"
Seedy's Liquors.
Detail with one-legged bird. Sounds like a Tom Robbins novel.
Finished products.