Daniel Danger 'Fenway' Diptych UPDATE

From DD "so after spending a good 45 minutes opening the giant crate box thing that arrived today, i finally got one of these out to photograph. this thing is goshdarn massive. click to see it bigger. good thing i bought a wide angle lens for my camera the other day. either way, after we made the necessary adjustments and fixed what needed to be fixed with my drawing, the end result i think looks a million times better and i’m infinitely happier with the final product. and i ASSUME you will be too.
…a comparison between the new and the older printing. like i said, it was really just about cleaning up and crisping up my linework before it got translated into solid blacks and whites. it was just too messy in a way i didnt expect, it didnt print well. but its much more open and punchier now. like that gibson grabber bass in the first photo. PUNCHY.
as for the sale of these, i think were aiming for early this coming week
Check it out HERE